ClearVR demo player now also on Pico Neo 2, Skyworth


29 Jan – ClearVR demo player now also on Pico Neo 2, Skyworth

Following popular demand, including from China, we have added support for the high-resolution Pico Neo 2 and Skyworth headsets to our ClearVR demo application.

Tiledmedia’s ClearVR demo application is a very simple app that demonstrates the visual quality enabled by the ClearVR SDK.

This app is now available on Android and iOS devices for “flat” use, and on the following headsets:

  • Oculus Quest 1 and Quest 2 (find it on SideQuest),
  • Oculus Go (send us an e-mail to request a store code),
  • Pico (G2 and Neo 2 – the website is in Chinese only; the app has an English language user interface.) On Tiledmedia’s official WeChat account, we have a manual on how to download the Chinese version of the ClearVR demo Player. Here is a QR code for our WeChat:
  • Vive Focus,
  • Skyworth (S1 E and VR V901/V901c – send us an e-mail for instructions on obtaining and installing the Skyworth ClearVR demo app.)

The Pico Neo 2 has some very nice specs, including a full UHD screen with a per-eye resolution of 1,920 × 2,160 per eye – and it shows.

8K – and higher

While the Oculus Go and Quest 1 support full 8K resolution only for monoscopic video, the Oculus Quest 2 allows us to show content in an amazing 8k stereoscopic resolution. Or even higher, up to some 11k per eye.

We are pleased that content with such extraordinary quality can now also be seen on the Skyworth headset. For VR headsets, 8K decoders are fast becoming the norm, and we are sure quality improvements won’t stop there.

Extremely high resolutions normally require very high bitrates to download or stream. 8K stereo content is the equivalent of 32 HDTV channels in pixel count!  But this is where ClearVR comes to the rescue: our tiled streaming solution makes even this insane amount of pixels manageable.

Again, our demo app is just that: a simple demonstration of ClearVR’s visual power. Our customers build wonderful applications around the fully-featured ClearVR SDK, which is now available for:

  • Android-based VR Headsets (Unity)
  • Android phones and tablets (Unity and Native)
  • iOS (Unity and Native)
  • Windows PCs (Unity)
  • Android TV (Unity and Native)
Date Date

January 29, 2021

Category Category





Glenn van der Meer

Stay tuned!

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