
High Quality VR Streaming

Tiledmedia’s innovative VR technology allows the reduction of bandwidth needs by 75% through streaming only the viewport, at ultra-high quality.

ClearVR technology enables mass adoption of high-quality VR

Streaming VR360 video is challenging; it requires a lot of bandwidth to deliver an acceptable quality video stream that is responsive to head motion. The result is usually a low-quality image, or an experience that can make the user sick – or both. ClearVR tiled streaming solves these problems.

ClearVR enables streaming of high quality VR360 video over existing networks, with a very snappy response to head motion. The technology is scalable to millions of users simultaneously over any CDN, using standard http streaming technology. No per-user edge processing required.

Streaming the entire panorama is very inefficient

Imagine viewing 360 Video content through a Head-Mounted Device (HMD). You can look around, and at any moment in time, you see only a part of the full panorama. In fact, you only see about one-eighth (12%). Streaming the entire panorama is hugely inefficient. Doing so in high quality is downright impossible unless you have an extremely fast internet connection and a very powerful decoder in the consumer device.

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Reducing 75% bandwidth by only streaming 12% of the image

Clear VR cuts the the video in tiles and determines which tiles are in view. The tiles in the viewport will be streamed in high-quality, and the the background will be streamed at a lower resolution.


Using ClearVR technology.

High quality

Extremely High Quality

Sends 4 times as many pixels at the same bitrate of “legacy” VR, for a much higher resolution and the best possible quality. ClearVR easily handles 8K stereoscopic content on Quest and Pico headsets.

Zero latency

Fast Response to Head Motion

Very low motion-to-high-resolution latency, and zero motion-to-photon latency. The best quality without any VR motion sickness

Any display device


ClearVR supports any display device (head-mounted devices, phones, tablets). Cross-device deployment is a breeze as the player is identical across all platforms

On demand

Live and On-Demand

ClearVR supports live and on-demand streaming, with high-quality and low-latency modes.

Massively scalable

Massively Scalable; Cost-Efficient

Allows simultaneous distribution to millions of users over any CDN, using standard http streaming technology. Requires no per-user edge processing, making scaling very cost-efficient.


Lower bandwidth

ClearVR viewport streaming reduces the amount of data by 75-80%, allowing VR streaming at bitrates comparable to normal video.

Seamless integration into your processing chain

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ClearVR technology

Tiledmedia’s ClearVR technology consists of a Software Development Kit – ClearVR SDK – and a cloud transcoding service – ClearVR Cloud. Together, these enable high-fidelity VR360 and VR180 streaming.

The ClearVR SDK is available for integration in player apps on various platforms including VR headsets and mobile devices. ClearVR Cloud transcodes on-demand and live VR content into the ClearVR format and then puts it on a content delivery network of your choice, ready to be streamed

Integration into your content delivery chain

Our experience and expertise ensure easy integration of ClearVR into your existing content delivery chain. We provide APIs to integrate ClearVR Cloud with streaming systems for both live and on-demand. Tiledmedia has worked with major camera and stitching software brands like KanDao, Insta360, Black Magic Ursa, Focal PointVR, Voysys and several other bespoke camera rigs and stitchers.

ClearVR is available globally, including in mainland China. ClearVR Cloud is deployed across all main cloud providers (Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Alibaba Cloud). ClearVR is operational on the major CDNs for video streaming, including Akamai, Amazon CloudFront, and Wangsu. We continue to expand support for clouds and content delivery networks, ensuring integration into our customers’ delivery chains is as smooth as possible.

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Relying on Industry Standards

Tiledmedia’s ClearVR solutions rely on international standards. This makes our technology straightforward to deploy to existing devices over existing content distribution channels.

We believe in the interoperability that good standards bring. Standards benefit both consumers (things just work), our ecosystem partners (our technology is easy to integrate) and content providers (being able to rely on standards significantly reduces their cost). Relying on standards also allows us to speed up the development of new functionality, as we need not reinvent any wheels.

Looking for Low-Latency instead?

Tiledmedia also offers a Low-Latency Solution . This solution enables low-latency distribution of live content to consumer devices, including VR headsets, smartphones and tablets. Live streams implementing our solution benefit from immediate interaction and social experiences, while also remaining cost-efficient and scalable. We have optimised the ultra low-latency delivery of video at scale, distributed via CDNs. Our low-latency streaming solution delivers a glass-to-glass latency in the order of 2 seconds.

For more information on Low-Latency VR Streaming, please go to our Low-Latency VR page.

Stay tuned!

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