Streaming 12K VR360 during MWC2019 in Shanghai

Fxg drone

30 Jul – Streaming 12K VR360 during MWC2019 in Shanghai

During the Mobile World Congres show in Shanghai China in June (MWC2019 Shanghai), Tiledmedia successfully streamed a 12K pre-recorded clip from FXG via the Wangsu CDN and a regular WiFi connection into the ClearVR demonstration app running on a Samsung Galaxy S10 mobile phone. It worked like a charm.

We also regularly streamed high quality 8K VR360 clips via the 4G mobile network of China Unicom during our 2-week stay in China .

Image courtesy of FXG, it almost shows their office 🙂

Date Date

July 30, 2019

Category Category





Frits Klok

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