Tiledmedia establishes "Magic Tiles" in China, signs Migu

Breaking news! Reports are coming in across China that Magic is in the air and Magic Tiles are showing up on people’s screens. Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on.
From the day Tiledmedia was founded, we considered China a great market with vast opportunities for our tiled streaming software. We made several business trips, started working with local partners, deployed our transcoding platform in China, and opened an office with Tiledmedia staff in Hangzhou in 2020.
Our investments have paid off. We supported the distribution of 8K Live VR for the 2022 Beijing Winter Games, including for CCTV in China. This was an unprecedented technical feat for the streaming media industry and we were very proud to help make it a success. On the back of this achievement, we decided to take the logical next step and established a company in China. Our Chinese entity will make it easier to develop business in China and to provide operational support.
Magic Tiles

We chose the name Shanghai Tiledmedia Technology Co.(上海神瓦科技有限公司), translating as “Magic Tiles”, and pronounced “Shenwa”. These Magic – or Divine – Tiles form the bedrock of our video streaming technology, so we thought the name was very fitting for the company.
Our support of the Beijing Winter Games turned out to be a sign of more to come. Shenwa just signed a major customer contract, after winning a public high-quality VR tender published by Migu Video Technology Co. Ltd. Migu is the industry-leading video streaming subsidiary of China Mobile, and we are thrilled to be selected by Migu as the supplier of their VR streaming technology. We look forward to Migu launching a cutting-edge live and on-demand high-quality VR streaming solution for its customers across China in the near future!
Want to keep up-to-date on this project and other projects across China and the greater APAC region? Please subscribe to our newsletter and follow our WeChat channel to get the latest Magic Tile news out of China.
我们勇往直前!Onwards and upwards!

February 27, 2023

Glenn Van Der Meer