VR developer Lorenzo Goldoni joins Tiledmedia
04 Dec – VR developer Lorenzo Goldoni joins Tiledmedia
VR developer Lorenzo Goldoni joined Tiledmedia on December first. We are very glad to have him on board, especially since our ex-intern-turned-full-time-employee Fabien Cheftel left us to go back to France (for happy reasons).
“I had a comfortable job in Rome, but I decided it was time to step out of my comfort zone and look for a new challenge” said Lorenzo. “Tiledmedia seemed like the right choice: a great startup in an exciting area, with a fresh, enthusiastic and an internationally oriented team.
Over lunch, which we have with the entire team, we speak English, French, Chinese, sometimes German and if I am lucky even a bit of Dutch. Moreover, I like Rotterdam. If we compare Amsterdam to Rome, then Rotterdam is like Milano or Torino, with the same energy and efficiency.”
The team is certainly happy with Tiledmedia’s latest hire. He has jumped right in where Fabien has left off and is already making a contribution, working on code optimisation for a totally cool project that we will report on later on Tiledmedia’s website. (Hint: it involves live VR from what is arguably the most-watched sports competition in the world.)
December 4, 2019

Rob Koenen
Stay tuned!