InnovationQuarter Announces Tiledmedia Investment

Innovationquarter invests in tiledmedia to significantly increase reach of virtual reality 002 980x450

01 May – InnovationQuarter Announces Tiledmedia Investment

At the Rotterdam Capital Days, the West Holland Innovation Accelerator and investor InnovationQuarter went on stage to announce its recent investment in Tiledmedia and hand the traditional investment tomb stone to Tiledmedia CEO Frits Klok.

InnovationQuarter’s press release can be found here.

Left to right in picture: Rob Koenen, Ray van Brandenburg, Anoesjka Imambaks (Venture Café), Francis Quint (IQ), Frits Klok, Marty le Clerq (IQ)

Date Date

May 1, 2018

Category Category





Rob Koenen

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