Tiledmedia Awarded Gold Membership on Intel's Winners' Circle

Recognizing the ongoing partnership between Intel and Tiledmedia, Intel awarded Tiledmedia Gold status on its Network Builders Winners’ Circle 2021. Annually, Intel awards selected partners with a position on the Winners’ Circle, and this is the third consecutive year that Tiledmedia receives the award.
Tiledmedia’s membership is based on our use of Intel’s Scalable Video Technology HEVC encoder (SVT-HEVC) for live transcoding of 8K+ immersive content, where we deploy this encoder in a massively parallelized fashion in public cloud data centers.
Celebrating Innovation and Collaboration
The Winners’ Circle is part of the Network Builders Program in which industry leaders are rewarded for their collaboration with Intel and use of Intel technology. The Winners’ Circle celebrates innovative and fruitful partnerships and gives winners the chance to grow and network through Intel.
See this blog post for an example of the collaboration and some technical details of how our cloud transcoders rely on Intel technology.

Interested in our technology? Check our website or send us a message!
November 23, 2021

Rob Koenen
Stay tuned!