New Members to The Tiledmedia Team: Nina, Sergio and Jelle

New Members to the Tiledmedia Team

Tiledmedia continues to grow. In September and October 2021 we welcomed two new employees and another intern. Nina Gray is our Marketing Manager, Sergio González is our VR Software Engineer and Jelle Koedam is our VR Software Engineer intern. They are great additions to the Tiledmedia team.

Nina Gray: Marketing Manager

Nina’s motto is “communication is key”. Believing in the diversity and power of communication, Nina approaches marketing communication from a very international perspective. She was raised multi-culturally (German, US American and Croatian) and has since moved to the Netherlands. Speaking all languages fluently, she is a real polyglot. She lived in Germany, did her exchange in Hong Kong and moved initially to the Netherlands to study, where she then finished her Master Degree in Corporate Communication at the University of Amsterdam. With a focus on Branding and Online Communication, she is a good fit as Tiledmedia’s new Marketing Manager.

Responsible for the marketing tasks surrounding Tiledmedia, amongst more activities, Nina creates and edits marketing materials, manages ads and regulates social media channels. Together with Mimi (Sales & Marketing VP) and Gabriël (Digital Marketing Intern), she is responsible for our global media and communication channels.

Nina: Upon reading more about the company, I was instantly interested in working here. Tiledmedia is innovative, internationally active and has a very communicative company culture. 

The first weeks of working at Tiledmedia were  already exciting. I already have many projects to work on and have many more ideas that I want to explore. The work environment is very welcoming, positive and goal oriented which makes projects like video or blog content creation a fun and interactive aspect of my work here.  I would give my first month at Tiledmedia  five stars on Yelp 🙂

For my future here, I am looking forward to learning from my colleagues and grow as a marketeer.”

Sergio González: VR Software Developer

Sergio González has an impressive background in high-energy and physics. He studied at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he did a double degree in Physics and Mathematics, a postgraduate in high-energy physics and later taught second year bachelor students in Physics. He gained experience by working at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the ALBA Synchrotron facility, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). Tiledmedia is certainly happy to have Sergio in the team.

At Tiledmedia, Sergio works on the code behind our solutions. He carries out maintenance and contributes to the Android platform. Right now, to get himself acquainted with the company code, he has taken on the project of developing an audio manager library from the ground up, that might replace the current implementations. By doing this, he can gain valuable insights into integrating something into the code.

In Sergio’s own words: “I felt like it was time for a new challenge. This made me look for positions elsewhere and brought me to a LinkedIn vacancy for the position of VR Software Developer at Tiledmedia. I was already interested in VR technologies and had some knowledge in programming and Unity so I thought that it could be a nice position.

I started the interview process with Frits and Arjen. After the initial interview I was sent a programming challenge, to measure my knowledge. This challenge made me more interested in the position as it was very engaging and satisfying. Afterwards, I was invited to Rotterdam to see the company and meet the rest of the team. Eventually, I was offered the position.

I like that everyone is friendly. I am very interested in the product and I am looking forward to being able to contribute in a more significant way.”

Jelle Koedam: VR Software Developer Intern

Jelle studies Computer Science at the University of Applied Sciences in Rotterdam. When searching for a potential company for his internship, he searched for those that are small and have good experiences with interns. This led him to Tiledmedia. After submitting his application and coming over for a chat, we decided that he is the right candidate for the VR Software Development Intern position.

During his internship Jelle works on creating a test app for the Tiledmedia Player SDK on Android, where the team is able to test for bugs, measure the performance and track the events within the Player SDK.

In Jelle’s own words: “I was looking for an internship in Computer Science. I wanted to find a company that has good experiences with prior interns and that has a relatively small team. When I was looking through the positions offered through the school portal, I found a position for VR Software Developer Intern at Tiledmedia. Being very interested in virtual reality and gaming myself, I applied for the position, and was later invited over for an interview at the company.

Tiledmedia is exactly what I was looking for. A small company, with an international team, that is very social. A few days after the interview I received an email saying that I was hired and that I could start on the 30th of August.

Now that I have worked here for a couple of weeks, I thoroughly enjoy the atmosphere within the company. There is a lot of social interaction, everyone eats lunch together (which I found surprising at first) and you are free to create your own balance between working on daily tasks and university assignments.”

If you are interested in working at Tiledmedia, check our jobs page to see if we have a suitable opening.

Date Date

October 21, 2021

Category Category





Gabriël Dorothal

Stay tuned!

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