Watch "Voices on Video: Solving the Multiview Streaming Problem"
This episode of the Voice on Video video podcast dives deep into the challenges and solutions for multiview streaming.
In an insightful episode of the “Voices of Video” podcast, Tiledmedia’s Co-Founder and CBO Rob Koenen and media pundit Jan Ozer dive deep into the world of tiled streaming and its role in empowering Multiview streaming. Rob Koenen shares his expertise on the subject, providing valuable insights for service providers that seek to up their streaming game.
The video podcast unravels the landscape of multiview solutions, including offerings from industry leaders like Apple, YouTube, and Tiledmedia. Rob details four different ways to tackle the multiview problem, addressing factors such as cost, quality, scalability, and user experience. By understanding the pros and cons of each approach, video service providers can make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable option for their streaming services. There’s also a trip down AVC/H.264 memory lane, when Rob set up the MPEG Industry Form to bring MPEG-4 to market. (AVC is MPEG-4 part 10).
Engaging Live streaming Experiences
Based on 12+ years of R&D. Tiledmedia has developed impressive IP in the field of tiled streaming. Tiledmedia’s virtual reality technology has been successfully utilized in distributing some of the world’s largest events and competitions, like the Beijing Games and the English Premier League. The seamless tiling and precise synchronization at the core of our VR technology are also the foundation for Tiledmedia’s polished multiview product, offering new options for highly engaging live streaming experiences.
Hear and watch this informative podcast episode to gain a comprehensive understanding of multiview, explore the available technological alternatives, and discover the key considerations for producers when selecting the most suitable solution for delivering deliver captivating content.
September 7, 2023
Webinars & podcasts
Frits Klok
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